Tag Archives: coding

Python Caesar Cipher in 15 Minutes

READER BEWARE: The code in this post is horrible.

Ever been asked to write a Caesar Cipher in Python in 15 minutes? No? Neither have I.

Anyway, here is what I accomplished. It is far from optimal. It does not take a lot into account e.g. punctuation, uppercase chars, non integer keys, negative keys, etc. But I was in a hurry.

It takes the message variable and shifts each letter to the ‘right’ by the value of the current key in keys.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from string import ascii_lowercase

# lowercase letters
CHARACTERS = list(ascii_lowercase)

# for char in CHARACTERS:
#     print(ord(char))

message = "i cannot do this under duress"

keys = [1, 6, 9, 4, 2, 0]

# convert to unicode
message_ord = [ord(x) for x in list(message)]

for key in keys:
    new_message = ""
    for letter in message:
        # I did take care of spaces. 
        if letter == " ":
            new_message += " "
        elif ord(letter) + key > 122:
 #should prob mod something somewhere
            offset = (ord(letter) + key) - 123
            new_letter = 97 + offset
            new_message += chr(new_letter)
            new_letter = ord(letter) + key
            new_message += chr(new_letter)

    print(f"For key: '{key}' the message is '{new_message}'")

This took me 15 minutes and 36 seconds.

Tesla Solar, Powerwalls, Docker, Python, and Crypto Mining

I had Tesla solar panels and Powerwalls installed several weeks ago. I currently don’t have permission to operate (PTO) from my electricity provider, which means I can’t ship any of my surplus power back to the grid. So, after my batteries fill up for the day, I usually have power production that is going to waste. What can I do with that power?

Mine crypto, that’s what I can do! Those of you that know me IRL, know that I’ve been involved in crypto for a decade. Mining isn’t new to me, but I mostly gave up on it in 2012/2013 when I was only mining a few of Bitcoin a month and it wasn’t worth it to me anymore. Talk about a wrong decision…

I digress. I’m sitting here now producing extra power. Mining crypto with a graphics card that I already have will make me around $50-100/month and give me a chance to whip up a script in Python, which is what I truly enjoy in life. I haven’t done the actual math on it, but I think mining crypto is more profitable that selling my power back to my utility provider. It is also more fun to mine, lol.

My workstation that I’ll be mining on has a sole Gigabyte 1080 TI. It’s a little old, but they’re still going for $700 on eBay these days. I’m running Ubuntu 20.04, and I’ve decided to mine with a docker container and pointing my card at an ethash endpoint from NiceHash. I need to do some research to see if there are better options – which I assume exist.

My overall strategy for this operation will be pretty simple to start off. I’m just going to mine when my batteries are charged above a certain threshold. I set this threshold in the variable BATTERY_CHARGE_TO_START_MINING in the code. Yeah, I like long variable names.

Fortunately, Tesla provides an API to gather information from the Powerwall and there is a Python package to query it. To install this package use the following command:

pip3 install tesla_powerwall

And since I use this docker image to run the Trex Miner app, we also need to install the docker python package.

pip3 install docker

This script is pretty straightforward. I start a docker client to get the running images. I create a new Miner class with my wallet address and URL. This class has methods to start and stop the miner, as well as check if it is running.

Then, in a while loop I check my battery level and start and stop the miner as appropriate. I repeat this every HOW_OFTEN_TO_CHECK seconds.

Here is the code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
from tesla_powerwall import Powerwall
import docker
import time

POWERWALL_URL = ""  # PowerWall Gateway address goes here
EMAIL = ""  # email address that you use to login into the gateway
PASSWD = ""  # password that you use to log into the gateway
WALLET_ADDRESS = "35kwhvhyfnVnGdoWdyLqrtaHeY7RYByPfW"  # mining wallet address
    "stratum+tcp://daggerhashimoto.usa-east.nicehash.com:3353"  # Mining url
# lowest battery charge where mining will start
# how often to check is battery level allows mining or not in seconds

def init():
    # initialize powerwall object and api
    powerwall = Powerwall(
    powerwall.login(PASSWD, EMAIL)

    api = powerwall.get_api()

    return powerwall, api

class Miner:
    def __init__(self, client, wallet_address, mining_url):

        self.wallet_address = wallet_address
        self.mining_url = mining_url
        self.client = client

    def start_miner(self, client):
        env_vars = {
            "SERVER": MINING_URL,
            "WORKER": "Rig",
            "ALGO": "ethash",
                ports={4067: 4067},
        except os.error as e:

    def stop_miner(self, client):
        trex = client.containers.get("trex-miner")

    def is_running(self):
            return True
        except os.error:
            return False

if __name__ == "__main__":
    powerwall, api = init()

    client = docker.from_env()

    miner = Miner(client, WALLET_ADDRESS, MINING_URL)


    while True:
        # powerwall charge is satisfactory, start mining
        if not miner.is_running() and (
            print("miner is running or will be started")
        # powerwall charge is too low, shut off mining
        elif miner.is_running() and (
            print("stopping miner")
        # try again

You can also find future updates of the code here.

TODO: add more options to start/stop mining e.g. if my panels/batteries are connected to the grid or not, start/stop mining based on the weather, etc.

TODO: rewrite in Golang. Trying to learn Go.

I’ve Never Heard of Nim

IDK where I have been, but I never heard of this language until today. So, what’s the first thing you do when you learn about a language? You write a directory enumeration script with it.

Please disregard my horrible code, inability to follow Nim standards and philosophies, and the general hackiness of this code.

import httpclient
import parseopt
import strutils
import system
var p = initOptParser()
var wordlist: string
var url: string

while true:
  case p.kind
  of cmdEnd: break
  of cmdShortOption, cmdLongOption:
    if p.key == "u":
      url = p.val
    if p.key == "w":
      wordlist = p.val
  of cmdArgument:
    echo ""

let contents = readFile(wordlist)
let words = contents.splitLines()

var final_url: string
var client = newHttpClient(timeout = 100)

for i in 0 ..< words.len:
    final_url = url & "/" & words[i]
        let response = client.request(final_url, httpMethod = HttpGet)
        let status_code = response.status.split(' ')[0]
        if status_code == "200":
            echo final_url
        echo ""

All this code does is take a url parameter and a wordlist parameter and makes http get requests to the url + wordlist entry – standard directory enumeration stuff. If the response code is 200, that url gets sent to stdout.

As time permits I’ll update this app. It’d be cool to have it much more feature complete like gobuster, wfuzz, et. al. For now, see the github respository for more information.